a stone to soften my heart

There was once a man named Jacob who had a dream. He saw angels ascending and descending a flight of steps to heaven. In that dream, God blessed him and made a promise that all nations would be blessed through his offspring. Jacob called that place "Bethel," - the house of God. He had heard from the Lord and he understood the nearness of God in that place.

Before he left that place, Jacob raised up a stone, a pillar, and today, I am raising up a pillar of remembrance as a symbol that God is near and that He speaks to those who are dear to Him.

My stone for today is a heavy stone, one I've knocked my shin on several times, but I'm finally realizing that God didn't put it there to trip me up, but to speak His truth to me. The passage is Matthew 25, one I've read dozens of times, one I thought I understood, yet somehow it still made me uncomfortable. It made me uneasy because I am that wicked and slothful servant. With my lips, I say I trust my Master, but with my actions, I speak otherwise. I hold tightly to what He's given me and wonder why He gives me no more. I am so afraid of spending it unwisely, that I foolishly bury it in the ground. I know my God is loving and generous, but I think He's also pragmatic - after all, didn't He create wisdom? So if I have not generously given of the little He has entrusted to me, how in my right mind can I expect to be given more?

Although today God's voice came in the form of gentle yet painful correction, it is still a blessing. God wants to bless me through His Word spoken to me today. And I'm not talking about a monetary, temporal blessing. I'm talking about the blessing that comes from laying up treasures in heaven instead of treasures on earth; the blessing that comes from being molded and shaped into His likeness; the blessing of knowing that the God of the universe chooses to make His will and voice known to me; the blessing of knowing that God chose not just to dwell with me, but in me.

And so, in this lifelong battle to be holy as He is holy, I may fall short more often than not, but my body and life will still be called the temple of the Holy Spirit, Bethel. I will continue to raise up stones to remember His voice, and He who lives in me will enable me to walk in obedience to that voice.

"Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts." (Ps. 75:7-8)