Pack the car and write the note...

Wow, so I guess it's been a while since I've posted, especially since so much has happened in the last two months. After ten years of living in North Carolina and calling it home, God called us to move 500+ miles and 3 states away. I would like to say it was a hard decision, since it took us away from family and some pretty amazing friends, but it wasn't. I think sometimes God just opens the right doors at the right time. So much in our life had already come to an end - we had moved out of our house, John quit his job, and our church closed its doors - within the space of a month. It felt like God was making it easier to say goodbye, maybe kicking us out so we could go where He wanted us to go. John's job driving long hauls was not a part of what we wanted for our lives, and so it was easy for him to grab at an opportunity to make a decent living and still have time home with his family. So within the space of a few days, we packed the car and headed north (insert Avett Brothers lyric here).

It definitely felt like God was leading us here, and just as in every other time in our lives, His hand has been evident, working in every situation. He has faithfully provided every step of the way, and He continues to do so. We still don't know why He brought us here, but I pray that we will obediently follow His leading. It is such a blessing to know that we're following a sovereign and loving God Who only gives good gifts to His children.

"He's Always Been Faithful" - Sara Groves

"Morning by morning, I wake up to find
The power and comfort of God's hand in mind
Season by season, I watch Him, amazed
In awe of the mystery of His perfect ways

I can't remember a trial or a pain
He did not recycle to bring me gain
I can't remember one single regret
In serving God only and trusting His hand.

This is my anthem. This is my song
The theme of the stories I've heard for so long
God has been faithful; He will be again.
His loving compassion, it knows no end.

All I have need of His hand will provide
He's always been faithful to me."