July = Change

Yep. In one short month, our whole life is changing. Four days ago, my hubby gave his 2 week notice at the place he has worked for 9 years. I know God has used him and taught him a lot while he's there, but I am very excited for him to move on and hopefully do something that he enjoys more and work somewhere where he is valued more - after all, their motto is "Expect more (from your employees), Pay (them) less." His last night there is 9 days from now. And in 2 1/2 weeks, he'll be getting on a plane to Iowa and starting his new career - yep, my hubby the trucker ;). I am so excited for this new opportunity, but I know it will probably be a very difficult year. I may only see him two days a week, if I'm lucky. But this is just the next step to get him the experience he needs. Our hope is that in a year or so, he'll have enough experience to get a local driving job.

You thought that was a big change! Just wait, I'm barely getting started! Next week, we'll be saying goodbye to our wonderful, humble home in New Hill and moving in with my parents. They have two bedrooms that only get used about 3 or 4 weeks out of a year, and we have an urgent need to save money. So there it is... I will definitely miss this home and it will be a big adjustment, but there are so many positives about being there, that I am looking forward to it (especially since once I started packing, it's hard to stop, and I'm just ready to get it all done and move on). Since both Mom and Dad work, I'm hoping I can help with dinners and cleaning. Also, since John will be gone so much, it will be nice not to spend every evening alone with just Brooke.

And finally, our second home, our second family, is closing. The church plant that we have been a part of for the last 4 years is closing its doors. The people there really are like family, and it will be very difficult to adjust to not seeing them every week. It's certainly not unexpected, and it would have been difficult for us to continue going, since we'll be an hour away. But it is still very bittersweet. Our last day will be July 31st. I plan on tearing up.

A month ago, I was stressed and confused because we had no idea what our life was going to look like. We weren't sure about John's job, or where we'd be living, or if our church would still be there. I like knowing better (I'm a planner - I can't help it). In one short month, we'll be moving, changing churches, and John will be changing jobs. I'm excited for the future, but also nervous and uncertain. But I know that God will provide for us and direct us and that He is sovereign over everything. Change is difficult, but it's also exciting, and I know God will use us and work in our lives.