I left my heart in Richmond, or Massachusetts, or somewhere...

Okay, so I didn't really leave my heart there... it left me and is wandering around this country in a semi. After two weeks of orientation in Iowa, we got to see John for one day before he took off to Richmond to meet his trainer. This is his first week of a 5-week training period. I think we're holding up pretty good, although I've been so absent-minded lately, I even forgot to thaw out the chicken. I know this will only get easier, especially once he has his own truck and can be home every weekend.

Yesterday was our first Sunday of not being at CCFuquay, and that was, well, weird. (By the way, they should change that grammar rule to "I before E, except after C, or when sounding like 'ay' as in 'neighbor' and 'weigh,' or unless you're just plain 'weird.'") But yes, it was strange. Church was great, but I miss my church family. Life has changed so much in the last month, I'm still feeling like I'm having trouble getting my feet under me. I know all that will come in time. Until then, I guess I'll just keep expecting the chicken to thaw itself out.

In Brooke World, the little munchkin is learning to walk (she was taking 2 and 3 steps together on Sunday), but she still just wants to hold Mom's (or anyone's) hands to walk around the house. You can tell she wants to, she just hasn't worked up the courage. She is not very verbal, but definitely a smarty pants. She picks up on so much that we don't even realize. And boy does that girl love to dance. She finds rhythm in everything, even the sound of the washing machine. We love her to pieces and she brings so much joy to our lives. Can't imagine how boring life would be without her!