Happy Anniversary, John!

I know this is a few days late, but in honor of our 3rd wedding anniversary, I thought I would just share a few of the many things that I love about my husband.

  1. He loves me.
  2. He cleans the kitchen without me asking.
  3. He is a wonderful teacher to our daughter - he taught her how to point, slide off the couch safely, give kisses, play her little xylophone, and I don't know how many other things.
  4. He watches Masterpiece Theatre with me.
  5. You know you've got a keeper when he spends his time watching Farmer's Almanac and nature specials.
  6. Since we're talking about farming, he might be a novice farmer, but there's nothing better than a man coming in the door covered in soil with an armful of fresh-picked veggies.
  7. He enjoys listening to bluegrass with me.
  8. He works hard for his family.
  9. He loves the simple things in life.
  10. He can enjoy silence.
  11. He is humble (but don't tell him that - it might go to his head ;).
  12. He loves God and His Word more than anything else.
  13. He never wants things. He is just content with what he has.
  14. He really is funny, even if no one else gets his humor.
  15. Skinny dude with muscle and athleticism - need I say more?
I'm sure I could think of many, many more, but that's all I'll add for now. That and that these last 3 years have been the most wonderful, difficult years of my life, and I am so blessed to have had him beside me through it all. I am excited to see where God takes us and how He'll strengthen us as a couple and a family.